Picture Gallery

Pictures from Fiona and Matthias. Just click on the links.

Oct. 25th, 20072007 My first birthday! Today I am one!
Oct. 10th, 2007 I am three years old! Now I am three!
Oct. 3rd, 2007 Oktoberfest 2007 Oktoberfest 2007
Mar. 24th, 2007 Romping Romping
Thu. Mar. 3rd, 2007 Pillow Talk Pillow Talk
Carnival 2007 I am a ladybug! I am a ladybug!
Winter 2006/2007 It is snowing! It is snowing!
Christmas 2006 Christmas with Fiona and Matthias Christmas with Fiona and Matthias
Wed. Oct. 25th, 2006 Matthias is here! Matthias is here!
Tue. Oct. 10th, 2006 My Second Birthday! Today I am 2!
Oktoberfest 2006 O´zapft is! O´zapft is
Summer 2006 It´s Summer! It´s Summer!
Sat. Apr. 22nd, 2006 Easter 2006 Happy Easter!
Sat. Dec. 24th, 2005 Christmas 2005 It is Christmas!
Mo. Oct. 10th, 2005 The First Birthday I am one year!
Oktoberfest 2005 Oktoberfest 2005 O´zapft is!
Summer 2005 Summertime! Summertime!
Sat. Apr. 9th, 2005 Fiona´s first carrots hmmm, delicious!
Easter 2005 Easter 2005 The Easter bunny is coming
Christmas 2004 Christmas 2004 Christmas with Fiona
Su. Nov. 21, 2004 Six weeks old Fiona's sixth week
Su. Nov. 21, 2004 Fiona bathes Fiona bathes
Nov./Dec. 2004 Visitors Visitors
Oct./Nov. 2004 Fiona sleeping Fiona sleeping
Oct. 2004 Fiona at the hospital Fiona at the hospital