Fiona started school at September 14th, 2010. One day later Am 14. September 2010 ist Fiona in die Schule gekommen. Einen Tag später Rassl Post had a chance to talk to here exclusively.
?: Fiona, you are a schoolchild now?
Fiona: Yes.
?: Tell us, how was your first day at school?
Fiona: Great.
?: What did you do?
Fiona: I celebrated start of school with my Daddy and my Mum, and my best brother Matthias.
?: What did you do at school?
Fiona: We greet each other at school´s auditorium. Then we went
to our classrooms. Afterwards our parents had to leave the classroom and picked
us up later. As soon as they had left we learned a new song:
(She starts to sing:)
"Hurra, ich bin ein Schulkind und nicht mehr klein.
Ich gehe in die 1a und das find ich fein.
In der Schule singen wir,
schreiben, rechnen, zwei, drei, vier.
Ich möchte vieles Lernen, drum bin ich hier."
?: How is your new teacher called?
Fiona: Frau Müller.
?: Is she nice?
Fiona: Yes.
?: What did you find in your Schultüte?
Fiona: Hm. A game to do experiments. A Lilifee puzzle. Two booklets. Sweets. A horse from playmobil with a woman, who has a cap, and a crop and a brush, with which you can comb horses.
?: Do you miss Kindergarten?
Fiona: Yes. Because I had so many friends there and because I had to leave the teachers there.
?: Do you want to return to Kindergarten?
Fiona: No! At school it is much better. It is more quiet there. However, today it was quite loud at the childcare. Little Fiona, the big schoolchild had to cry, because she was scared.
?: What do you like most at school?
Fiona: The teacher. What we have to do all the time and the homework.
?: We wish you great success at school!